Recent Projects

Pahi Wharf

Huband Contractors were engaged by Kaipara District Council to undertake an upgrade of the existing Pahi Wharf Structure and build-in facility for a new gangway – pontoon connection to be made.

The wharf upgrade was part of PGF funding from Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit. And its purpose was to help facilitate harbour travel throughout the Kaipara.

Kaipara District Council, Northland Regional Council, Department of Conservation, Te Uri O Hau, and the local Pahi community were all involved in the project.

Astrolift – Kamo, Whangarei

Astrolift in Kamo, Whangarei is a leading supplier of materials handling, end of line and  related equipment. To prepare for a brand new factory Huband Contractors handled all the site works including drainage and stormwater reticulation, the installation of water tanks and a 1200ml concrete pipe as well as the construction of a handsome keystone wall frontage.

Countdown – Regent

Huband Contractors has completed many car park projects over the years, several for Countdown. Countdown Regent, in Whangarei presented particular challenges managing the local traffic and restrictions and managing the resource consent conditions.

Bealer’s Underpass

Our job here was the installation of a cattle underpass and a new race for a farm undergoing a dairy conversion, on Golden Stairs Road, near Maungaturoto. Much of our work is for the agricultural industry including land reconstruction, dam work, site preparation and race and driveways.

Gorge Road, Maungaturoto

This was a slip stabilisation package for Kaipara District Council consisting of four different retaining walls, including a major slip along Bickerstaff Road. The main challenge was excavating the moving material that kept slipping in on the job, as well as maintaining the regular traffic flow.

Ngunguru – Seawall

Construction of a new rock wall sea defence along Te Maika Road, including pedestrian access to the beach and a boat and kayak ramp.  The idea was to improve safety for residents, tourists and the local school children, whose playground is the beach. Challenges were balancing a work schedule that included children’s play times and the tides.

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