Resource & Environmental Policies
The Resource Management and Environmental Policies of our Company are:
- To comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations, and with other requirements to which our organisation subscribes.
- To establish environmental objectives and targets and designate responsibility for achieving them in a coordinated and timely manner.
- To train staff in procedures so that we can encourage acceptance of good practice in relationship to environmental policies.
- To conduct an internal audit of our site/s on a quarterly basis, and to have a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution.
- To where feasible, reduce waste and the consumption of resources and favour recovery and recycling as opposed to disposal.
- To see that practical steps are taken to have in place a contingency plan for environmental emergencies.
- To obtain approval for any permits or consents required, in a timely and cost-effective manner, having regard to the operational needs of our business.
- To where appropriate make submissions to announced Plans or Policies of the Local Authorities.
- To achieve and maintain a good public relations image in relationship to environmental issues and display our policy to the public.